Why do it❓

Why learn how to do something like this though? I can tell some of the reasons why I personally love developing challenges and targets for our platform.

As a developer of targets and challenges I get to:

  • keep up2date with latest security developments. I love setting up servers, learning about cybersecurity developments helps me setup my systems better and apply some critical thinking when I follow official documentation and guides.

  • keep up with new technologies and applications as well as new features that can be (ab)used.

  • learn new techniques. No matter how good you are and how much you know there is always going be something new you've never thought about. Creating challenges and targets, exposes you to all the crazy paths the players will take to solve them. You get to see new and exciting methods and ways you can bypass security restrictions and improve your own processes in securing your assets.

  • It does make you better pen-tester/bbhunter. As part of developing and setting up your challenges you come across details that you can take advantage later on. I have learned a large number of attack vectors for nginx by setting it up myself.

  • It makes you a niche monster: Learning niche techniques and details about applications can make the difference between a payout and a duplicate 🤣 Again using the previous nginx example, i've learned that specific versions of nginx allow for duplicate host headers to be present. This will give me an advantage when i am faced with a similar system versus a hunter that does not have this information.

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